Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Injured reserve

For those who didn't know i had been run over last Monday well i guess you would say it was more like a side swipe, get this by a homeless lady in a wheel chair as I'm trying to strap her in she moves her chair (which is a power chair by the way) slamming it into my knees bending the right one back and to the right (I thought she had dislocated it on me) so i hop out of the bus tried to walk it off, figured this isn't helping so i call on the radio and I'm asked to call the office when i get down town and i do and try to drive with it (knowing that it is the most unsafe thing to) and well I'm calling he office she drives u to me and asks why we where late for bus 6 i so wished i was a woman and that point just so i could kick the shit out of her but I'm not so i didn't (I already know what your going to say Evan so keep it to your self) so i go and see the doc (on company time of course) and get to spend the rest of the week doing paper work and missed the contract talks on the 26Th i really didn't have a very good week last week and if I stand to long or walk to far my knee starts to get weak that's all i need more knee problems looks like I'm going to wait and see how things go and maybe next year finally get the operations on my knees the wife wont like it but i really dont wont to wait until its to late

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