Monday, March 12, 2007


WOW had a great night Saturday can't wait to play again me and the kid talked all the way home and all day Sunday about it
As some of you may know I've been talking about going to school I've done allot of meeting's with Butte and i think I'll be in the FALL semester and I'm scared as hell but that's me telling my self i cant do it when i know i can, had a heart to heart with my Wife and she's backing me on it she actually told me to go and that she knew that there's nothing i couldn't do if i put my mind to it but I'm still scared
Talks on a contract should start soon hopefully in a week just waiting on management to get back on the dates we picked if everything goes according to the way we are shooting for, everyone will be happy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, an update!

I'm very happy to read that Deadlands was so well received. I had a lot of fun too; it felt very fresh.

It's always so much better when your s.o. backs up your decisions; I'm glad your wife's backing up your schooling decision