Saturday, January 20, 2007

I know i can rub people the wrong way most of the time, but to those who don't really know me.(and it seems like most of the people i know and count as Friend's) I am not what i appear to be, most of you think I'm an uneducated, simple minded dolt. well I'm not it just makes it easier for me to deal with the way my life is, i have no one person i can call my best Friend, no one to talk to to tell them how i feel inside, about any thing, when ever i try to open up to my wife it ends up into a huge fight, when i try to open up to my Dad he makes me feel like a loser (don't get me wrong i love him very much) my Mom has lost it, my Brother is more like a stranger to me, and my three Sisters still treat me like a kid (except for the third sister, i don't talk to her any more and don't wish to) i read some of the other blogs out there how people talk about how bad it is for them try my life for a change and see how i deal with the loneliness and heart ache of knowing that I'm more of a laughing stock to my friends than a person how no one takes me serious well now that thats off my chest see ya

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Why is it Theirs to many People trying to bring there fellow humans down, trying to hurt them. can this world really be as cruel, and heartless as i see it. some say "things happen for a reason that god has plans" how in the hell does god have plans to hurt innocent people, children being molested, women being raped, murders, theft, crimes running amok, and for what. money, jealousy, envy. why cant people see whats going on. WAKE UP THIS IS ARE LIFE WE ONLY GET ONE SHOT HERE FOLKS.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

I'f I build it will they come

Question if i build a Blues and Jazz club in down town Chico how well would it do I'm finally clear with the IRS and ready to take on a new business and found a place up for lease down town, so i ask my Friends what do you think, should i shoot for the stars again or leave well enough alone


OK here's the deal you get called in to the office you ask for a union rep they say no you go into the office don't say anything don't sign anything when you get out you contact a union rep if you don't have there number than here it is 1-888-243-0042
soon we will have shop stewards to help take care of some in house representation
If you have a person you would like to see as a Steward then contact the number above and let them know


Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

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